Commercial Locksmith Seattle
Seattle Locksmiths WA is one of the best services for businesses to get help from because of our speed of delivery, extensive experience, and advanced skills. If your business needs to have an exit panic bar installed, we can fit this device fast and give you the ability to evacuate your building quickly in case of an emergency.
If you have an Office Lockout, call us and let us help you get back to work and save you from wasting too much of your time. If you have relocated your business or if you are a new business starting in a pre-occupied facility, we can rekey office locks for you and provide better security for your building. Seattle Locksmiths WA is in business to help people especially those who need help with security installations, products or services.
Certified Master Keys & Rekeying Services
Security is important for your business and that is why we provide our services to you in an expedient manner. If you need Panic Bars we have several that you can sample so that you can select the one that fits your business the best. If you have Lost Office Key we will move fast to open your doors and to make you another key in a short time. If you need a Master key system for all the doors in your building, we can supply that to you. This system will give you a powerful and convenient tool to use in case you need to access the various rooms with only one key.